11 FebOral turinabol 4-Chlordehydromethyltestosterone for sex enhancement

Quick Details about  4-Chlordehydromethyltestosterone

brand name Oral Turinabol
Bioavailability:100% Oral
Biological half-life 16 hours
Excretion:Kidneys (urine)
Synonyms 4-Chlordehydromethyltestosterone; Dehydrochloromethyltestosterone; 4-Chloromethandienone
CAS Number 2446-23-3
Formula C20H27ClO2
Molar mass 334.89 g/mol

Introductions of  4-Chlordehydromethyltestosterone

Chlorodehydromethyltestosterone (CDMT) (brand name Oral Turinabol) is an androgenic-anabolic steroid. It is the 4-chloro-substituted derivative of metandienone (dehydromethyltestosterone) (Dianabol). CDMT was the first original product of Jenapharm, an East German pharmaceutical company. The patent registration took place in 1961. The idea of combining the structures of 4-chlorotestosterone (clostebol) and metandienone originated from the chemist Albert Stachowiak.[citation needed] At the time this represented a unique dissociation of anabolic and androgenic effects after oral administration. The product had been introduced for clinical use in 1965.

Oral Turinabol, officially known as 4-chlorodehydromethyltestosterone is basically a structurally altered form of Dianabol (Methandrostenolone), which itself is a derivative of testosterone. The structural makeup of Oral Turinabol is very simple. The compound is simply the testosterone hormone with an added double bond at carbon 1 and 2, which alters the anabolic to androgenic ratio in favor of anabolic. It also carries an added Chloro group at carbon 4, which inhibits the hormone from aromatizing and further reduces its androgenic nature. The final change is an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position, which protects the hormone through oral administration. This final change officially classifies Oral Turinabol as a C17-alpha alkylated (C17-aa) anabolic androgenic steroid.

The Benefits of  4-Chlordehydromethyltestosterone

Turinabol Powder can be a good anabolic steroid for generally any cycle; however, it will not produce near the amount of mass as many other steroids and to produce a large amount of mass an individual would need a fairly large amount and as Tbol is relatively expensive this isn’t always the best rout. However, it is important to note, by the way in-which Turinabol exist any increase in size will be exactly the size you want, pure muscle tissue. Make no mistake; we’re not saying Tbol is as poor of a mass builder as Primobolan, far from it but its positive properties will largely lie within increasing strength and athletic performance.

As it pertains to enhancing athletic performance it really shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise; after all, this was the original intention of this anabolic steroid when it was brought to the market. How good is Turinabol at performing this task; well, a mere 10mg per day could give most any athlete a nice boost in speed but most will find a little more to be far more worth their while. While this steroid can be very beneficial to the performance athlete it can also have a positive effect for the bodybuilder in-terms of performance in that same light but the majority of competitive bodybuilders who supplement with Tbol will do so when dieting.

You will rarely if ever find a competitive bodybuilder who supplements with Turinabol during his off-season period; as discussed this is not one of the better mass builders and mass is the primary focus for most bodybuilders during the off-season. It is during the dieting phase Tbol can be useful to the bodybuilder as it can aid him in maintaining strength while he is dieting and help him push through his workouts a little harder. However, this is not one of the more commonly used bodybuilding steroids even in the dieting phase not simply because its availability is rather low but because there are so many other steroids that will serve this individuals purpose to much more efficient degree.

One Responseso far.

  1. Vina says:

    Your posting really staeightenrd me out. Thanks!

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